Custom Chatbot Integration

Do you want to utilize the ChatDash dashboard, but use a chatbot builder not officially supported by ChatDash?

  1. Create Chatbot using the “custom” platform option.
  2. Create Project for a client using the chatbot.
  3. Create Conversation and Push Conversation Messages for the project in your code whenever you want to import conversations into ChatDash.
  4. Use the dashboard to view analytics and conversations as you normally would.

*Steps 1 and 2 can also be done directly in the Agency Dashboard.

Client Onboarding

Do you want your clients to go through a self-directed onboarding process on your custom domain?

  1. Create a custom “register” or “onboarding” page on your website.
  2. Create Client when a client registers.
  3. Automatically assign a project or allow the client to choose from a selection of your existing chatbots to Create Project.
  4. Direct clients to sign in using the whitelabeled Log In page as you normally would.