
Client is your agency’s customer or a business that you are working with. You can create a client in ChatDash and assign a project to them. After creating a client, you can give your client access to the ChatDash’s Client Dashboard.

Adding a Client

This video is recorded with our previous version of ChatDash. We will update it as soon as possible.
  1. Login as an agency user in ChatDash.
  2. Go to the Clients tab in the ChatDash dashboard.
  3. Click on the New Client button.
  4. Fill in the client details. (Name, Login ID, Password are the required fields.)
  5. Set the client’s language preference. (Default is English)
  6. Click on the Register button to save the client.

Assigning a Project to a Client

  1. Go to the Clients tab in the ChatDash dashboard.
  2. Inside the client’s box, click on the Assign Projects button. (Or projects button if the client already has projects assigned.)
  3. Select the project you want to assign to the client.
  4. Click on the Assign button to save the project assignment.

Previewing Client Dashboard

  1. Go to the Clients tab in the ChatDash dashboard.
  2. Click on the Preview button inside the client’s box.
  3. You will be redirected to the Client Dashboard where you can see the exact view of the client’s dashboard.
  4. Once you are done, click on the Exit Preview button to go back to the Clients tab.