Shared Menus
Conversations menu in client dashboard
ChatDash doesn’t pull any
from the chatbot platform except for Voieflow & OpenAI projects. (You can see all the conversations without using our supported channels by toggling on “Use External Widget” in a chatbot creation process.).
If you are conneting any other chatbot builder’s chatbot, You must use one of ChatDash’s supported channels to keep track of conversations/message data.
See supported channels here: Supported ChannelsThe Conversations menu in the client dashboard provides messages exchanged between the chatbot and the users.
You can filter the conversations based on the following criteria:
- Date Range: Filter conversations based on the date range.
- Keywords: Filter conversations based on the keywords present in the messages.
- Tags: Filter conversations based on the tags assigned to the conversations. (MARK REVIEWED, SAVE FOR LATER, etc.)
Conversation Actions
You can also perform the following actions on the conversations:
- Assign Custom Tags: Assign custom tags to the conversations for easy identification. (Coming Soon)
- Mark Reviewed: Mark the conversations as reviewed. (Voiceflow only)
- Save for Later: Save the conversations for later review. (Voiceflow only)
- Delete: Delete the conversations.
- Export to CSV: Export the conversations to a CSV file for further analysis.
Voiceflow Specific Options
For Voiceflow projects, you can toggle on/off the following options:
- Intent Confidence: The confidence score of the intent detected by the chatbot.
- Debug Messages: The debug messages generated by the chatbot during the conversation.